Tuesday 11 January 2011

A love that dare not speak its name

A love of stop motion that is...

I'm feeling pretty basic and tired today so I thought I'd throw out there a couple of my favourites at this moment in time before I curl up under my freshly changed sheets with Season 3 Episode 2 of 'The Wire' and wonder what I did before I had Omar in my life.

So up first an incredible animation by those clever fellows who did all of those amazing Amazon Kindle adverts - Ithyle Griffith and Angela Kohner. What I would give to have that hair...

Secondly an animation that everyone subscribed to craftzine should recognise: 'Dot' the smallest stop motion gal in the west - extra fierce for her mad knitting skillz! A collaboration between Aardman and Nokia using their super duper new microscope lens

The beautiful Pen Story - they shot 60,000 pictures, developed 9,600 and used no post production - sometimes I just love people.

Another similar to 'Lost things' is 'Her Morning Elegance' by Oren Lavie, Yuval & Merav Nathan
Another 2D beauty with wonderful hair.

Dammit! There are one million more but I can't remember them right now as my brain is toast. Will do an update later on.

Plus an added bonus of the 'fuck fuck fuck scene' from season 1 of 'The Wire' which is deffo NSFW with rampant swearing and some breasts thrown in for good measure,

And an added recommendation - you should, if you have not already start watching 'The Wire'. Fantastic intelligent depiction of a dying city, and a rare television show without heroes and that does not treat you like an idiot. A towering feat!

Almost as good as Battlestar....

Thursday 6 January 2011

Hillman Curtis = wonderful

 'I would like a few more pleasures, but there doesn't seem to be time...'

David Hillman Curtis is a filmmaker.
He makes astonishing films, one of which I am particularly struck by. It is part of his artist series and it is a short film about artist Laurence Weiner.

I have a fondness for words, and the way in which he uses them is something else, and I could listen to his voice for hours. 

Please have a look, and take a gander at the other videos on the site - you will not be sorry. I promise.


Hello there

So it's a new year and time for a change.
After a previously semi-successful new year motto ('let's just have a nice time') I have decided to return to conventional resolutions one of which was to attempt a blog; posting things that are lovely, crafty, useful and more.

I hope you enjoy them...
